Daily Digest #9
- Introduction to Docker Secrets
- Docker for dummies
- Architecting a Highly Scalable Golang API with Docker Swarm & Traefik
- Using Minio server for simulate S3 locally
- Exploring Swarm & Container Overview Dashboard in Grafana
- Exceptions in Elixir
- Learn just enough Linux to get things done
- The Zen of Data Pipelines
- How David Heinemeier Hansson, Basecamp CTO, works
- How does Redux work
- Converting 600K lines of Javascript to Typescript in 72 hours
- Microsoft and GitHub team up to take Git virtual file system to macOS, Linux
- Sniffer – Analyze HTTP Requests
- Rackula – Generate a static site from any rack middleware
- frappe_charts – Frappé Charts Ruby gem for Rails
this will be on and off, depending on whether there’s event or not on the particular week.
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Jakartadev update
Jakartadev saat ini menjadi pet project saya untuk menginformasikan dunia development, dan juga menginformasikan tools atau berita yang ada di dunia development yang saya kurasi sendiri, dan juga diambil inti dari artikelnya.
Setahun ini sempat terhenti dengan alasan kesibukan, dan memang ada beberapa hal yang sempat saya kerjakan sendiri diluar jakartadev, blog pribadi dan juga meng-handle blog engineering Jenius tempat saya bekerja.
Disadari atau tidak, mungkin nanti akan ada link, atau bahasan yang mirip dengan apa yang saya tulis di blog selain jakartadev, tapi fokus sekarang adalah untuk selalu konsisten mengirimkan atau menuliskan informasi yang relevan dan juga actual, akan dicoba memasukkan pendapat saya, atau juga ulasan, R&D berdasarkan artikel yang saya baca, atau saya buat sendiri.
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Issue #9
Lama tidak meng-update
What habits made me a better Software Engineer?
How to use Apache Kafka to transform a batch pipeline into a real-time one
Log20: Fully automated optimal placement of log printing statements under specified overhead threshold
Operating a Kubernetes network
Lyft’s Envoy dashboards
The Rise of the Site Reliability Engineer
Web Typography: Designing Tables to be Read, Not Looked At
Apache Kafka Goes 1.0
Bundler 1.16
2.7.0 Released
Angular 5.0 Released
Node.js 8 Moves into Long-Term Support and Node.js 9 Becomes the New Current Release Line
TypeScript 2.6
Koa11y, Open Source Web Accessibility Tool
PostCSS plugin to keep CSS grids stupidly simple
A CLI dashboard for webpack dev server
Daily Digest #8
- What habits made me a better Software Engineer?
- How to use Apache Kafka to transform a batch pipeline into a real-time one
- Log20: Fully automated optimal placement of log printing statements under specified overhead threshold
- Operating a Kubernetes network
- Lyft’s Envoy dashboards
- The Rise of the Site Reliability Engineer
- Web Typography: Designing Tables to be Read, Not Looked At
- Apache Kafka Goes 1.0
- Bundler 1.16
- 2.7.0 Released
- Angular 5.0 Released
- Node.js 8 Moves into Long-Term Support and Node.js 9 Becomes the New Current Release Line
- TypeScript 2.6
- Koa11y, Open Source Web Accessibility Tool
- PostCSS plugin to keep CSS grids stupidly simple
- A CLI dashboard for webpack dev server
Issue #8
exclusive inside look at how artificial intelligence and machine learning work at Apple
(Not) Shipping is a Virtue
The Web Methodology Project
Protecting your embedded content with subresource integrity (SRI)
Itsy Bitsy Data Structures
panduan yang mudah dibaca mengenai struktur data di javascript
The State Of JavaScript: JavaScript Flavors
Open Source Ruby Software The Slashdot Interview With Ruby on Rails Creator David Heinemeier Hansson
Examining The Internals Of The Rails Request/Response Cycle
The Duel: React Native vs. Cordova
How to set up read-write split in Galera Cluster using ProxySQL
11 Simple npm Tricks That Will Knock Your Wombat Socks Off
Installing AMP in WordPress
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Daily Digest #7
- exclusive inside look at how artificial intelligence and machine learning work at Apple
- (Not) Shipping is a Virtue
- The Web Methodology Project
- Protecting your embedded content with subresource integrity (SRI)
- Itsy Bitsy Data Structures panduan yang mudah dibaca mengenai struktur data di javascript
- The State Of JavaScript: JavaScript Flavors
- Open Source Ruby Software The Slashdot Interview With Ruby on Rails Creator David Heinemeier Hansson
- Examining The Internals Of The Rails Request/Response Cycle
- The Duel: React Native vs. Cordova
- How to set up read-write split in Galera Cluster using ProxySQL
- 11 Simple npm Tricks That Will Knock Your Wombat Socks Off
- Installing AMP in WordPress
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