Daily Digest #2
- Linux flaw may be fixed, what about linux container? Bug yang ada di GNU C telah ditambal, bug di gcc ini berdampak pada distribusi Linux yang ada, walaupun bug ini telah dipatch di sisi linux, bagaimana dengan architecture yang menggunakan Docker?
- Ansible 2.0 Selain untuk deployment, me-manage service, networking, versi 2.0 ini menambahkan modul untuk mengontrol networking device seperti Arista, Cisco dan lain-lain.
- JakartaJS Meetup: Creative JavaScript JakartaJS kembali melakukan meetup pada 23 Februari dengan topik “doing creative stuff with JavaScript and Node.js”
- MySQL in docker or native – performance benchmarks Perbandingan deploy MySQL di docker dan native.
- Dynamic Modules in NGINX 1.9.11 Dengan Dynamic Module, kita bisa me-load shared object yang berbeda.
What it looks like to process 3.5 million books in Google’s cloud Visualisasi Google cloud memproses 3.5 juta buku.
- The Art of War Applied To Software Development Topik menarik mengaplikasikan sun-tzu ke dalam software development.
- 20 Material Design Resources 20 Material design untuk yang sedang membangun aplikasi Android, design ini bisa digunakan untuk project-project yang disedang dibangun.
- How to Consume Laravel API with AngularJS Sedang membangun aplikasi dengan Laravel sebagai framework? di sini dijelaskan membangun aplikasi dengan Laravel sebagai backend dan AngularJS untuk Frontend.
- How to get started with push notif on Android Tutorial bagaimana memulai push notifications di Android.
- SQL or NoSQL Perbandingan menggunakan solusi SQL atau NO-SQL.
- How to Install MongoDB 3 on Ubuntu 14.04 How to Install MongoDB 3 on Ubuntu 14.04 oleh @sumodirjo
- 19 Online Resources for Learning About Database Design Errors Kumpulan Artikel Online mengenai design database dan apa yang bisa dihindari dalam mendesignnya.
- Learn how to make Data Visualizations with D3.js Data viz menggunakan D3 sebagai library.
- Why I No Longer Use MVC Frameworks
- OneCache OneCache is a best-effort, replicated KV store accessible via the memcached protocol
- Schemazen Script and create SQL Server objects quickly
- Medium Editor Online Editor yang dibangun dengan inspirasi dari Medium.com
Issue #1
Issue perdana Jakarta dev.
MariaDB 5.5.48 dan MariaDB Connector/J 1.3.5 dirilis
Datastax PHP Driver: 1.1 GA Released
htop 2.0
Keybase filesystem
Top ELB health and performance metrics
First Steps in Exploring RocksDB
RocksDB merupakan storage engine di Mysql
How To Write A Good Status Update
sometimes it’s a bit tricky to create a statuspage, how you could wrap up information as simple as possible.
A wiki of Guides, Scripts, Tutorials related to devops
Server hardening
a very much needed for hardening your Linux server.
Learn abut distributed system
Create beautiful API documentation
Docker Event handling
Composer slowing down? use this tool
A utility to accurately report the core memory usage for a program
A modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Keep your repo fresh with one command.
PageSpeed Module
PageSpeed module for your favorite webserver
GitLab Kanban Board
Free OpenSource self hosted Kanban board for GitLab issues
Huginn is a system for building agent, could be connected to Slack, hipchat, basecamp, etc.
The most advanced open source UX framework for enterprise applications.
follow on twitter @JakartaDev
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Daily Digest #1
- MariaDB 5.5.48 dan MariaDB Connector/J 1.3.5 dirilis
- Datastax PHP Driver: 1.1 GA Released
- htop 2.0
- Keybase filesystem
- Top ELB health and performance metrics
- First Steps in Exploring RocksDB RocksDB merupakan storage engine di Mysql
- How To Write A Good Status Update sometimes it’s a bit tricky to create a statuspage, how you could wrap up information as simple as possible.
- DevopsWiki A wiki of Guides, Scripts, Tutorials related to devops
- Server hardening a very much needed for hardening your Linux server.
- Learn abut distributed system
- Slate Create beautiful API documentation
- Ahab Docker Event handling
- Prestissimo Composer slowing down? use this tool
- ps_mem A utility to accurately report the core memory usage for a program
- Bulma A modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
- git-fresh Keep your repo fresh with one command.
- PageSpeed Module PageSpeed module for your favorite webserver
- GitLab Kanban Board Free OpenSource self hosted Kanban board for GitLab issues
- Huginn Huginn is a system for building agent, could be connected to Slack, hipchat, basecamp, etc.
- grommet The most advanced open source UX framework for enterprise applications.
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